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How To Interact With Your Audience Online

15 Sep / 2013
Author: Blog Editor Tags: Comments: 0

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You can improve your Reputation management campaign by making it more interactive. If you are not sure how you can use the Internet to interact with your audience, go over the following article.

How To Interact With Your Audience On The Internet?

Emails are an excellent way to stay in touch with your audience. Invest in quality email marketing software you can use to send out automated emails to your customers to confirm orders. You should also send a monthly newsletter to share information about new products or discounts. Email alerts are another good option if you want to send emails more often.

Encourage customers to send you emails. Create a professional email address you can use for customer service and share it on your website, on your business cards and on the package of your products. Make people feel comfortable about sending you an email if they have questions or even complaints. Go through all your emails as quickly as possible and take the time to write helpful and polite answers.

Interact With Your AudienceSocial media is a very efficient way to make your Reputation management campaign more interactive. Create accounts on the networks your customers use regularly and share quality content with your subscribers. Choose updates your subscribers will respond to. Ask questions or encourage subscribers to share their own content with you by organizing contests. Try posting pictures or videos to grab the attention of your subscribers.

Use social media for customer service purposes. Let your customers know they can send you a question by tagging you in an update or sending you a private message on the social network of their choice. Check all your social networks on a daily basis and answer to all the questions or comments you get. Let people know you appreciate they took the time to contact you and share links to your site to provide more information besides writing a helpful answer.

A message board is another option you should explore. You can easily create your own message board if you subscribe to a web hosting service that includes this feature. Check your message board regularly and do not hesitate to delete negative posts so people do not feel threatened about sharing their opinion on the message board. Be an active member on your message board to get customers a chance to get to know you.

Benefits of interacting with your audience

Look for new ways to interact with your audience as new platforms become popular. You could for instance create an account on Google + and use Google Handouts to schedule some video chat sessions with your customers. This is an original way to make exclusive announcements, demonstrate products and answer to questions from interested customers. Talk to your customers about the new platforms they use to make sure your Reputation management campaign remains relevant in function of the audience you are targeting.

Use these different methods to interact with your audience. Keep in mind that someone who asks you questions and get some helpful answers right away will be more likely to purchase a product from you.

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